Inner Alchemy

Why do a detox?  Don't our bodies know how to get clean all on their own? 

The truth of the matter is that we live in a toxic world, and we're exposed to toxins in many forms on a daily basis, whether it's pesticides in our food, hormones and anti-biotics in our protein sources, toxins in tap water, fumes from traffic, fragrances and toxic ingredients in our household, laundry, skincare and beauty products, or the EMF output from our computers and smart phones.  Our bodies can only handle so much toxic input at a time! 

When our bodies get overexposed to toxins, our liver does the best job it can to protect us, and it does this by wrapping toxins in mucous and storing them in fat cells. (Um, yuck.) When toxins stored in our fat, we can’t burn that fat until we release and process that toxin! The reality is that no matter how much you exercise, eat right, and manage your stress, you won’t be able to lose that stubborn belly fat until you partake in a detox and get rid of those toxins for good.

Here are some common symptoms of toxic overload:  digestive issues, headaches, allergies, irritability, belly fat, bloating, breakouts, fatigue, insomnia, pain, mysterious health issues. - and a weakened immune system, which we are all realizing is CRITICAL to our survival.  Toxicity left unchecked leads disease and chronic conditions.  Experiencing any of these symptoms?


I believe that we all need to be cleansing and detoxing on a regular basis.  Think about it... what if you never cleaned your kitchen or your house?!Your body is the house of your soul... JUST IMAGINE!

Detoxes can help to: 
  • Heal the Gut. Eating healthier foods will create a healthier ecosystem in the gut by starving the fungus and parasites (unhealthy bacteria) that love to feed on toxins... improving the health and diversity of the microbiome is the key to optimal health.
  • Rev up your metabolism.  A properly done detox can be great for re-setting your metabolism and burning fat that's been clinging to your body for years.
  • Give your body a break!  Digestion takes a lot of energy, and it's important to give our digestive systems a break every now and then so they can repair damage done from foods that can damage them, like fried, processed, and sugary treats.  
  • Reset your habits.  Have you noticed that you're reaching for the candy bowl more often than before?  Are you drinking more wine than water these days?  Cleanses are great for helping you become aware of your bad habits so you can start changing them.   
  • Make you feel better than you’ve ever felt before. Many of our detox clients tell us they have more energy, sleep better, and have more drive for life than ever before – pretty incredible for just 5 days!
  • Lose Fat – Did you know that toxins are stored in your fat tissue, and that in order to burn the fat for fuel, you need to remove the toxins first? AND… the more toxic you are, the more fat you need to house the toxins? The reason why many people can’t lose weight is due to high toxicity levels in the body.  REMOVE TOXINS = REMOVE FAT!     
Never Detoxed Before?  Or need a quick health reset? Try a 5-Day Detox for Beginners!

Inner Alchemy runs seasonal 5-Day Detoxes for Beginners, where you will learn and experience how to do a whole foods detox safely and effectively

The nitty gritty of what you’ll get:

  • A Detox Handbook and materials which teaches you everything you need to know to detox safely and effectively
  • A 5-day meal plan with recipes that taste amazing and just so happen to boost your body’s natural detox processes
  • A Recorded Kickoff and Q&A Webinar where we’ll go over all the detox details and how to prep... and you can ask questions. 
  • Dozens of recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, sweet treats and snacks – and ideas on how to tweak them so they meet your own flavor needs
  • A done for you shopping list and daily protocol that spells out exactly what to do and when to do it, so you won’t be wondering what’s next
  • A Daily email  to educate and empower you on your detox journey! 
  • A group Facebook forum where you can connect with us and other detoxers to get all the support you’ll need to stick with the program to the end
  • Post-Detox Guidelines, so you know what to do next and how to transition back to the ‘real world’... and Bonus Materials to help you sustain your results.

In addition, you will receive BONUS GUIDES:

·         A shopping list template with tricks to save time and money

·         A supplement guide (including our favorite brands and where you can get them) so you’ll know which supplements to include as you detox

·         A “Deepen Your Detox” handbook so you can personalize your detox experience and go as deep (or light) as you want

·         An “Eating Out” guide so you’ll know exactly what to order if you choose to order take out during these challenging times

Join the 5-Day Detox and get all the detox materials, recipes, plus tons of lovin'support from me for just $80!
Contact me for more information. 

What kind of results should I expect?

Our detox clients tell us that they best thing about this program is that they never realized how bad they were feeling until they started feeling better than ever before. Many of them share that they wake up feeling like they have more energy than they know what to do with, their skin clears up, and they feel awesome in their clothes.

Read what past participants are saying about their experience with the 5-Day Detox! 

“I lost 4.5 lbs on the 5-Day Detox. It really wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I Would recommend to anyone interested to give it a try.” 

“I truly enjoyed the detox and am maintaining the healthy practices. Keeping off dairy (no cheese!) and limiting the sugar. Feels good!”

“Thank you for this motivating 5 day detox. Worked so well in resetting my focus on good food and nutrition. I feel great now and have to say one thing I really noticed this week is that I slept really well each night."

Frequently Asked Questions

I’m really busy – will this program work for me?

Yes, we get it; we’re ALL busy these days. But the reality is that feeling heavy and frustrated isn’t helping you squeeze more productivity into your day. This detox is quick, easy, and WILL make a difference. Many detoxers have told us that their families have just eaten all the foods along with them with little to no complaints. Plus, a 5-Day detox is much quicker than most programs you’ll find out there, and we’ve created a lot of done-for-you materials to make this as easy as possible.

Have questions? Great. I'd love to help you figure out if this is the right program for you. Send an email to and I will get back to you ASAP.

Lots of love and healthy eating,


Betsy Bell Osterholm, Health and Life Alchemist